Russian Arabians of North America was created as a source of information on straight Russian and Russian related Arabian horses in the United States, Canada and Mexico. We've included information on Russian Arabians overseas as an additional option for those people interested in breeding and/or importing horses into North America.
Here you will find history on the Russian Arabian horse including key foundation horses to help you determine just how much Russian blood is in your horses. We provide a gallery of straight Russian and Russian related Arabian horses in the United States, Canada and Mexico. There is a classified section for horses for sale or at stud around the world. We are working toward building a database of Russian breeders around the world. Membership information will be available in the future.
Please keep in mind this website was just recently founded. It may appear small now but as the knowledge of the site expands so will the site itself. Please feel free to contact us if you see any information that is incorrect or you would like to contribute something to the site you feel would be beneficial. We will do what we can to include it into the site. Thank you for your patience while the site is in construction.

Russian Arabians of North America